allyson elise

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Tip for wearing summer dresses all year long - Wear a sweater over them!

A tip for an all year long wear and re-wear successful outfit! You can seriously make the same dress look completely different a couple times a season if you take on this amazing trick!

I am a sucker for all sweaters, oversized but also I adore a good “business casual” sweater! I got this one from TJ Maxx. It is Ivanka Trump brand and I adore the material! It is super cute and you can wear it over the dress like I have here, or you can wear it with jeans!

The bottom of it has ruffles so it makes it much more sophisticated than not! An effortless way to look chic everytime you wear it!

My boots are from Shopko last season and I got them for a steal! The dress is from Charolette Russe and I found it at the beginning of fall. Seriously adore this outfit!